Enrolment Information

1. When Should My Child Begin Learning A Musical Instrument?

This is a very important question and as a general rule the earlier one starts the better. However we do not recommend large and awkward instruments for young children such as the bassoon, double bass or saxophone, as the physical demands of these instruments make playing quite difficult for little people!

Our recommendations on suitable ages to begin instruments are as follows;


    Recommended Age*

Piano / Keyboard

    5+ (can be earlier)






    5+ (can be earlier)

















French Horn




Double Bass



    1+ (but lessons are not normally recommended until mid primary school age)

You are never too old to learn a musical instrument. In fact some well known professional musicians did not start learning instruments until well into their teens or even early 20's. i.e. Paul McCartney & John Lennon. In saying this however it is very difficult to play the violin, viola or cello at a high level if a student has not began formal training at an early age. For everything else - you are never too old!!!

2. Why Should My Child Learn A Musical Instrument?

Studying music is one of the most academically beneficial things a child can undertake, and making music is also fun and rewarding. Although musical aptitude will vary from one person to another, music educators tell us that early exposure to music, particularly during the learning and growing preschool years, can be an important influence on a child's development. Early exposure to music also encourages the power of concentration, coordination and self-discipline, enhancing creativity and creating a positive attitude to schoolwork generally.

Music can enrich your life in many ways.

Lifelong enjoyment: The playing of a musical instrument, whether alone or in a group, offers young people lifelong enjoyment and appreciation of music.

Helps develop mental and physical abilities: Children have the ability to develop these disciplines very fast. They are at work from the very beginning of studying an instrument and gradually develop over time.

Music improves self-confidence & self-expression: Music gives young people the opportunity to express themselves in ways that they may not normally have the confidence to do. It also gives great opportunities to receive positive affirmation from friends and peers.

3. How Much Is A Music Lesson?

School Instrumental GROUP lessons

Group lessons that are undertaken by students at their school are priced roughly as follows:

  • Group of 2 students:       $25.30 (incl. GST)
  • Group of 3/4 students:  $20.35 (incl. GST)

*Please note that these prices can vary slightly depending on numbers of students and family discounts etc. But will be adhered to as closely as possible.

Private INDIVIDUAL lessons

All music lessons for beginning students are half an hour in duration and are usually given in at school during school time. An appropriate time can be negotiated with the parents, school and teacher. Most individual students are on a rotating timetable ensuring that they do not miss the same class each week. These rates are as recommended by the Australian Music Teachers Association (AMTA).

  • Individual 30 minute lessons:  $35.75* (incl. GST)
  • Individual 20 minute lessons:  $25.30* (incl. GST)

* Prices vary slightly upon location of the school and qualifications of the teacher.

Family discount rates are as follows:

  • 2 siblings 5% off total tuition fee
  • 3 siblings 10% off total tuition fee

4. Can I Hire An Instrument?

Yes you can! See tab on INSTRUMENT HIRE under OUR CLASSES.

5. How Are Keyed Up Teachers Selected?

All Keyed Up teachers must have; (a) A Working with Children Check, (b) A recognised degree (or completing a recognised degree) from an approved university or conservatorium of music and/or equivalent experience as a professional musician and music teacher. (c) An enthusiasm about sharing music with their students. (d) Be punctual, reliable and well presented.

6. How Do I Find A Keyed Up Music Teaching Venue?

See the locations page for information on our current venues.

7. Music Books

These will be provided and a fee added to the first term fees

8. Timetabling

Lessons will be held before/during or after school on a day to be advised.

9. Payment Options

An account will be issued at the beginning of each term. Accounts can be settled by internet transfer, cheque, money order or pay-pal or credit card on the pay your account page.

If you are interested in your child learning an instrument, please read the terms and conditions available here

Terms and Conditions - Keyed Up Music Contract of Services

Our book keeping is done through Reckon Accounts and through our book keeping system, at the beginning of each term an invoice is sent to the parents email that is provided on the enrolment form.

Please be aware that your e-mail provider may flag this as junk, add Reckon Accounts to your contacts list, otherwise you will miss the invoice.

Payment for the terms lessons can be done through credit card at www.keyedupmusic.com.au/pay-my-account,

Or deposit the payment into our account, Name: SYCMA PTY LTD, BSB: 036310, Acc No: 398725

Enrol Now

If you believe the teacher was incompetent in any way or that your child's learning was hindered by other circumstances in the class, please write to The Manager, Keyed Up Music and email to enquiry@keyedupmusic.com.au and we will be happy to discuss further reimbursement of lessons .

Privacy Policy: please download here to read:

Keyed Up Music ABN 38450294580 privacy policy.pdf